Passengers with medical conditions are advised to contact their airline in relation to the carriage of medical equipment through screening points and on board flight.
Hand over any prohibited items and weapons to the screening staff at the security screening point.
Pack your luggage yourself, lock your bags to prevent tampering or theft, and never leave them unattended
To avoid having to surrender items at the security screening points, check with your airline beforehand as to what you can and cannot take on board in your cabin and checked baggage.
Take airport and aircraft security seriously and give yourself time to clear airport screening processes
Place small and valuable items in your hand luggage before you get to screening point.
Place all the contents of your pockets into the available tray/s before you get to the screening point.
Let screening staff know if you have any medical conditions that might be affected by the screening: for example if you have a pacemaker or implemented metallic joint.
Take your laptop out of its case and place it in a tray and them onto the screening conveyor belt.
Passengers are kindly requested to check that they have all their personal effects after screening procedures.
Passengers and airport visitors are warned that all threats and comments made about carrying of weapons or explosives - whether intended as a joke or not - will be taken seriously and may result in refusal to board the aircraft and prosecution. Pack sharp object such as knives, scissors, corkscrews or knitting needles in your hand luggage.
Refusal to submit to inspection will result in prohibition to enter or board aircraft.
Carry any flammable liquid, gases, or other dangerous goods with you or in your bags. Those items will be removed by security staff when detected.
Leave any baggage unattended in public areas. All such baggage will be treated as suspicious. All baggage should be clearly tagged with your contact details.